The Classic Trailblazer Books
All 40 are back in print!

Why Trailblazer Books?

  • They're "fun." Even reluctant boys start reading.

  • They build Christian character.

  • They show God using both men and women.

  • They've inspired service and modern missionaries.

  • They break down racial prejudice.

  • They make church history memorable.

  • They teach world geography and cultures.

  • 8 FREE Curriculum Guides, a $56 value.

  • 5 titles now available as audio books.

The award-winning TRAILBLAZER BOOKS are action-packed historical fiction introducing great Christian heroes. Each page-turner portrays a significant period in a hero or heroine's life and ministry as seen through the eyes of a young protagonist. A page in the front explains exactly what is fiction and which events and characters are historical, and a “More About” chapter at the end provides a brief biographical overview of the hero's life. We want kids to learn about pioneer missionaries and other important Christians . . . and have fun doing it.

—Dave & Neta Jackson

Click on “Bookshelf” below, scroll to the right for more titles, click on the cover to review any book.

Four Options

Individual Books

Paper $8.24

eBooks $2.99

Complete 40-book Sets

40 Paper $247.20
(a 25% discount)

40 eBooks $39.60
(a 65% discount, 99¢/title)

To build lesson plans,
click on

“Books by Category”

Due to increased
paper and production
costs, the price of
print editions rose
about 3% on
June 20, 2023,
the first increase
since 2016.